Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obesity and Health

  • What is obesity? It is a kind of disease when people consume food or drink much more than the body requests and less excercise in a long period of time. 

  • It is a fat body

  • What are the reasons for obesity in children? There are some particular reasons leads to obesity such as :

  • * Unhealthy Food Choices
    * Lack of physical activity
    * Spending a lot of time on in a place such as watching TV or working with the computer
    * Parents historic
    * Genetics

  • Is obesity only a national problem? No, it is a worldwide problem . Levels of childhood obesity are increasing at alarming rates in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. In Australia, one in five children and adolescents are either overweight or obese.

  • What do statistics show? Obesity in young people has been increasing all the time since 1985

  • What is making the obesity problem worse?

  •  The way of busy lifestyle , eating habbit.

  • Does obesity have an impact on children's health?

  • Yes it does,

  • If yes, explain how?

  • Chronic conditions and diseases associated with obesity include diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, some cancers and sleep apnoea.

  • What are the other impacts caused by obesity in children?

  • Social problem , affect their life later

  • What is the treatment? To help the obesity children as well as the adults , there are some following ways

    • Talk to the doctor,
    • Go to hot line
    • Talk to the nutrition diabitiation
    • Learn how to provide healthy food for children

    Half Way EFS

    Time gone so fast, it is nearly half way in EFS 2011. All students are now preparing for their assignment. Infact, EFS has brought a great step to every student who wants to improve their Englsih skills or gets further study in Uni by reading , speaking, writing and listening. On the other hand, students also have a background knowlegde on Australia history throught Australian Study. Last but not least, every student can find out the way to improve themselves by Study skills unit.
    Wishing all of you have a great time in Tafe.