Monday, May 30, 2011

Caring for child carers Cited in Advance Fairfield 4 May 2011

+ More than 1200 child carers and services were nominated & whittled down.
+ Thanksful to those had dominated
+ Marie- Clause- 24 years olds working in Fairfield Family daycare - Responds for training & recruiting new assessors
+ 90 family day care educations in Fairfield .

There are more than 1200 child carers and services were nominated in Faifield butfinally they were whittled down to 83. Ms. Lazare - director of the year 2011 is very happy and exciting to know her work has been recognised. She is also responsible for training and recruiting new assessors . Now there are 90 day care educators around in Fairfield LGA and Lazana likes to work with them because they work as a team.

I think child care centre is a very good place for parents working full time or part time. It helps parents keep the job and also a good place for kids develop themselves in the future. Also child carer should be trainned and educated to help children growth up in a good manner.

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